The hall is a great place to meet and enjoy your favourite hobby and pastime. It brings together people from across the village and beyond. These are just some of the clubs using the hall on a regular basis.
Youth Club
We meet every first and third Thursday of the month from 7.30-9.30pm. We do various activities including football, bastkeball, baking and general crafts.
We do ask that children are collected from the hall itself.
If you have any queries please contact Simon on 07860 803767
Established in 1978
Meeting every Wednesday there are up to 5 qualified and insured Instructors available.
Senior Coach is Colin Carrott 3rd Dan 01303 258942
Technical Advisor Colin Ogburn 3rd Dan 07870 822510
Juniors (6-8 years) 5.30-6.30pm
Seniors (10 years +) 6.30 - 8.00pm
New members are very welcome
Womens Institute
Meeting in the hall on the second Tuesday of the month, the WI continues to be busy - Darts, Crafts, Scrabble, Home Economics and Book Share just some of the things in our monthly diary. The subjects of our speakers range from musical theatre through to retail outlets and our fundraising opportunities include bingo and wine and wisdom evenings. We always welcome new members so don't be shy and come and see us -
we're also at the village hall for the Farmers market on a Tuesday morning so feel free to come and have a chat.
Contact Caroline Bunting for more info - we're more than jam and Jerusalem you know.
100 Club
Would you like to know an inexpensive way to support our wonderful Village Hall to keep it the vibrant hub it is?
We run a 100+ Club - current year (Sep 23-Aug 24)
Profits go to run Community events, continuing refurbishment of the hall, replacement of assets as required and the standard outgoings of electricity, gas, insurance, maintenance etc.
For the outlay of just £12 per number for the whole year, or pro-rata during the year, you will be entered into a monthly draw for three cash prizes, £25 / £15 / £5, doubled at Christmas. The draw usually takes place at the Village Hall Committee Management Meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.
To join in, please collect a form from in the Village Hall foyer. You can pop it, and the fee, to Kath Hounsell, 134 New Dover Road or to Sally Cook or Cherry Leppard at Farmers Market on any Tuesday.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Capel le Ferne Village Hall’.
Thank you for your invaluable support.
Capel Gardeners
We hold open shows at the village hall, for 2023 they will be on:
18th March – Spring show
8th July – Summer Show
2nd September – Autumn Show
These are open to all, entry forms from the Show Secretary on 01303 259105.
We also hold monthly meetings at St. Radigund’s Church on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from February to October, with our AGM in November and members’ Christmas Party in December.
New members, whether novice, enthusiast, or professional, are always welcome, enquiries to Brian Castle on 01303 259105

Bridge Club
We meet every Friday in the main hall starting at 2pm (please arrive by 1.50) with an approximate 5pm finish. Duplicate bridge is played in a friendly and informal manner. Players of all standards are welcome, including players with limited experience or returning to the game, and the Club provides an intro to the world of competitive bridge. A host is always available for those without a partner on the day, so you are guaranteed a game. The Table money is £2.50 per player which includes tea, filter coffee and biscuits on a "help yourself" basis.
The Club is called the East Kent Bridge Club. Please visit the Club website at eastkentbridgeclub.org.uk or telephone or e-mail Bob Jones (01233-756362; DrRGJones@aol.com) for further information.